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Showing posts from July, 2020

Anatomy of Back Muscles

  The muscles of the back can be divided into three groups – superficial, intermediate and deep: Superficial  – associated with movements of the shoulder. Intermediate  – associated with movements of the thoracic cage. Deep  – associated with movements of the vertebral column. The deep muscles develop embryologically in the back, and are thus described as  intrinsic  muscles. The superficial and intermediate muscles do not develop in the back, and are classified as  extrinsic  muscles. This article is about the anatomy of the superficial back muscles – their attachments, innervations and functions. The superficial back muscles are situated underneath the skin and superficial fascia. They originate from the vertebral column and attach to the bones of the shoulder – the clavicle, scapula and humerus. All these muscles are therefore associated with movements of the upper limb. The muscles in this group are the trapezius, latissimus dorsi, levator scapulae and the rhomboids. The trapezius

Williams flexion exercise

INTRODUCTION Williams flexion exercises — also called Williams lumbar flexion exercises, Lumbar flexion exercises or simply Williams exercises — are a set or system of related physical exercises intended to enhance lumbar flexion, avoid lumbar extension, and strengthen the abdominal and gluteal musculature in an effort to manage low back pain non-surgically. The system was first devised in 1937 by Dr. Paul C. Williams (1900-1978), then a Dallas orthopedic surgeon. GOALS OF WILLIAMS FLEXION EXERCISES The goals of these exercises are to open the intravertebral foramina and stretch the back extensors, hip flexors, and facets; to strengthen the abdominal and gluteal muscles; and to mobilize the lumbosacral junctions. CORE EXERCISES Williams believed that the back pain was the result of human evolution in movement from a quadruped to an upright position, proposing that the standing position was the cause of back pain because it placed the low back in a lordotic curve. Will


Frenkel Exercises are a series of motions of increasing difficulty performed by ataxic patients to facilitate the restoration of coordination.  Frenkel's exercises are used to bring back the rhythmic, smooth and coordinated movements. Dr. H S Frenkel was a physician from Switzerland who aimed at establishing voluntary control of movement by the use of any part of the sensory mechanism which remained intact, notably sight, sound and touch, to compensate for the loss of kinaesthetic sensation.  Frenkel Exercises were originally developed in 1889 to treat patients of tabes dorsalis and problems of sensory ataxia owing to loss of proprioception. These exercises have been applied in the treatment of individuals with ataxia, in particular cerebellar ataxia. The exercises are performed in supine, sitting, standing and walking. Each activity is performed slowly with the patient using vision to carefully guide correct movement. These exercises require a high degree of me

10 Most Dangerous Body Pain you Should Never Ignore!

We all feel pain often in the different body parts and sometimes it remains for a while and disappears and sometimes it lingers for a long time and bothers us. Some pains can be normal but if you feel the pain that returns constantly maybe it can be a sign of ailment or something is not right with your body and you shouldn’t ignore this and consult with your doctor. The mysterious pain can be dangerous for your life. Some people occasionally take painkillers which is wrong as well. 1.  Chest and Arm pain: You should never ignore  chest pain or pain in the left armpit  as it can be a major sign of something is wrong with your heart and a prior sign of coronary heart disease. With that, if you feel pain in the shoulders, jaw, and arms be sure it is not without any reason maybe the reason is not external it is internal and pays attention and immediately consults your doctor.  2.  Pain in the Legs: Leg pain can be common and triggers you many times due to lack of nutrients, standing for a